What are we doing
Nr. crt.
The object of the contract
Name of the beneficiary / client / Address
Elaboration of design documentation for the PAC + PAD + POE + PTE + DE + AT phase, together with the execution of the works for the investment objectives: -Lot 1- „Rehabilitation of the SPA SASCUT base station, of the SASCUT SRPA station and of the SPA discharge pipe SRPA, in the SASCUT-VALEA SEACA irrigation arrangement ”, Bacau county
National Agency for Land Improvement
Rehabilitation of the base station SPA IM Gheorghiu and the niche from km 221-ships no. 2444 and no. 2443 ”- Braila county
National Agency for Land Improvement
Design and execution of land improvement works for the partial modernization of the pumping station and partial modernization of the network of buried pipes, which have contributed to reducing energy consumption and water losses by replacing pipes that have exceeded operating time, in Macin, Carcaliu, Tulcea county, within the project „MODERNIZATION OF THE SPP MACIN IRRIGATION PLOT, JUD. Tulcea "
OUAI Macin Danube
Execution of modernization works of the secondary irrigation infrastructure in Foltesti locality, Galati county within the project "Modernization of the CPA Foltesti irrigation plot, from the irrigation arrangement Bratesul de Sus, Galati County"
OUAI Ceres Foltesti
"Design services for the technical project phase (PT + DE), the necessary technical documentation in order to obtain approvals / agreements / authorizations, technical assistance from the designer during the execution of works, and execution of works for the implementation of the project "MODERNIZATION OF IRRIGATION PLOT SPP1 DIN ISACCEA IRRIGATION ARRANGEMENT, TULCEA COUNTY ”
O.U.A.I. Fruvinis
OUAI SPP1 Maiaprodsilva
Design and execution services for the investment objective "Modernization of the irrigation plot SPP1 Foltesti, Galati county"
O.U.A.I. Foltesti Prut1
Design and execution of land improvement works within the project "Modernization of the irrigation plot SPP 57, Galati county"
O.U.A.I Tudor Vladimirescu
"Design services for the technical project phase (PT + DE), technical documentation necessary to obtain approvals / agreements / authorizations, technical assistance from the designer during the execution of works, and execution of works for the implementation of the project "MODERNIZATION OF SRPA 2 IRRIGATION PLOT , FROM THE IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT IALOMITA CALMATUI, BRAILA COUNTY "
"Design and execution of land improvement works "Modernization of the irrigation plot SPP 58, Galati county"
O.U.A.I. Vladimiresti Plot58
"Design services for the technical project phase (PT + DE), the necessary technical documentation in order to obtain approvals / agreements / authorizations, technical assistance from the designer during the execution of works, and execution of works for the implementation of the project "MODERNIZATION OF IRRIGATION PLOT SRPA 10 , FROM THE IRRIGATION ARRANGEMENT IALOMITA CALMATUI, BRAILA COUNTY "
5/2020 - "Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements" Lot.1 M +R works in Isaccea irrigation development and Sarichioi irrigation development within the Territorial Branch of LI Tulcea ;
National Agency for Land Improvement
10/2020 "Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements" – M+R works in the Campia Covurlui arrangement, Bratesul de Sus arrangement, Nicoresti - Tecuci Mioveni Terrace arrangement under administration of Territorial branch of LI Galati
National Agency for Land Improvement
3/2020 "Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements" - 3 - LOT II- M+R works in the arrangement of the Big Island of Braila Territorial by LI Braila
National Agency for Land Improvement
3/2020 "Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements" - 3 - M+R works in the irrigation arrangement Viziru Terrace, the irrigation arrangement Gradiștea Făurei Jirlău, the irrigation arrangement BH Călmățui Territorial of LI Brăila Sud
National Agency for Land Improvement
24/2020 ”Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements -” M+R works for ensuring the functioning of the Danube SPA station from the Campia Covurlui arrangement within the Territorial Branch of LI Galati
National Agency for Land Improvement
Nr. crt.
The object of the contract
Name of the beneficiary / client / Address
Rehabilitation and modernization of the irrigation infrastructure related to plot SPP5 AE1, OUAI Onest 1 Faurei, Braila county
Elaboration of design documentation for the PAC + PAD + POE + PTE + DE + AT phase, together with the execution of the works for the investment objectives: -Lot 1- „Rehabilitation of the SPA SASCUT base station, of the SASCUT SRPA station and of the SPA discharge pipe SRPA, in the SASCUT-VALEA SEACA irrigation arrangement ”, Bacau county
National Agency for Land Improvement
Rehabilitation of the base station SPA IM Gheorghiu and the niche from km 221-ships no. 2444 and no. 2443 ”- Braila county
National Agency for Land Improvement
Design and execution of land improvement works within the project Modernization of irrigation infrastructure belonging to FOUAI Vadeni from Braila-Danube-Siret Development, Braila County
F.O.U.A.I. Vadeni
Design and execution of land improvement works within the project Modernization of the SPP4 irrigation plot from the Irrigation Development of Braila-Danube-Siret premises, Braila County
O.U.A.I. Brio Company
Modernization of the irrigation plot SPP 1 Foltesti, from the irrigation arrangement Bratesul de Sus, Jud. Galati
O.U.A.I. Foltesti Prut 1
"Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements - 3" Lot 3 "Repairs of 2 DV 5-47 pumps (agr. 1 and 3) from the SPE Namoloasa drainage station in the arrangement Campia Covurlui within the Territorial Branch of LI Moldova Sud UA Galati. ”
National Agency for Land Improvement
21- "Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements" 1 - Maintenance and repair works in the Campia Covurlui, Tecuci Nicoresti Terrace and Bratesul de Sus facilities within the LI Moldova Territorial Branch South UA Galati
National Agency for Land Improvement
Nr. crt.
The object of the contract
Name of the beneficiary / client / Address
Modernization and refurbishment of irrigation infrastructure belonging to OUAI Interagro Nr.1 Zimnicea Terrace - ctr. no. 50 / 12.05.2014
O.U.A.I. Interagro Nr. 1 Terasa Zimnicea – Str. Portului nr. 38, Zimnicea, jud. Teleorman
Modernization and refurbishment of irrigation infrastructure belonging to OUAI Interagro Nr. 4 Viisoara - ctr. no. 98 / 08.07.2014
O.U.A.I. Interagro Nr. 4 Viisoara – Str. Portului nr. 38, Zimnicea, jud. Teleorman
Modernization and refurbishment of the irrigation plots SPP 13 and SPP 13A extension, from the irrigation arrangement Campia Covurlui, Galati county
OUAI Smardan - Smardan commune, Galati county
Modernization and refurbishment of the SPP 3 and SPP 4 irrigation plots from the Braila-Danube-Siret irrigation arrangement, Braila county
OUAI Brio Company - Braila, b-dul Dorobanti, no. 2, bl. 25B, Braila county.
Modernization and refurbishment of the SPP 1 and SPP 2 irrigation plots in the Braila - Danube - Siret irrigation arrangement, Braila county
OUAI Rod Bun - Vadeni commune, Braila county
Modernization and refurbishment of the primary infrastructure of the SPA Foltesti irrigation underdevelopment from the Bratesul de Sus development, Galati county
FOUAI Foltesti Foltesti commune, Galati county
Maintenance and repair works in irrigation arrangement Gradistea Faurei Jirlau -Contr. 383 / 16.03.2016
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Lower Danube Str. Vapoarelor, nr. 13 Braila
Maintenance and repair works in the irrigation arrangement of Calmatui Gropeni Chiscani -Contr. 382 / 16.03.2016
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Lower Danube Str. Vapoarelor, nr. 13 Braila
Maintenance and repair works in the irrigation arrangement Namolasa-Maxineni -Contr. 380 / 16.03.2016
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Lower Danube Str. Vapoarelor, nr. 13 Braila
Maintenance and repair works in irrigation arrangement Latinu-Vadeni -Contr. 381 / 16.03.2016
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Lower Danube Str. Vapoarelor, nr. 13 Braila
Maintenance and repair works in irrigation arrangement Terila Brailei -Contr. 379 / 16.03.2016
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Lower Danube Str. Vapoarelor, nr. 13 Braila
Maintenance and repair works in irrigation arrangement Ciorasti Maicanesti -Contr. 384 / 21.03.2016
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Lower Danube Str. Vapoarelor, nr. 13 Braila
Repair works at the pumping installation from the Tabara-Trifesti-Sculeni irrigation arrangement under the administration of the Territorial Branch of Land Improvements Moldova Nord-Contr 03.03.2016 / 16.03.2016
ANIF -Branch of Land Improvements Moldova Nord Str. Sarariei, no.16 Iasi
Execution of the minimum maintenance and repair works of the main irrigation infrastructure in the Măcin development - August 23, within ANIF Dobrogea Land Improvement Branch, in the irrigation season 2016 - Contr. 1604005 / 05.04.2016
ANIF - Dobrogea Land Improvement Branch Str. Zburatorului, no. 4 Constanta
Repairs to the pumping units from the SRP-2a and SRP-3a pumping stations in the Calafat-Bailesti development
ANIF - Danube-Jiu Land Improvement Branch Str. Mihai Eminescu, no. 16, Simnicu de Sus, Dolj County
Repairs of 3 pumping units DV6-35 from the pumping station SPE 1-3 within the Campia Covurlui drainage arrangement, UA Galati Sud, ctr. Nr. 16.11.053 / 29.11.2016
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Moldova Nord, Galati, Str. Science no. 97
Repairs of pumping units DV 5-47 - 3 pcs, valve repair DN600mm - 6 pcs, repaired asymmetric reduction DN600 to DN500 - 3pcs from the drainage station SP4 Măicănești from the drainage arrangement Nămoloasa Măxineni, Vrancea county, located in Vrancea county Territorial Branch of Land Improvements Buzau-Moldova South
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Buzau - South Moldova Str. Brăilei, Nr. 121 Bis, Focşani, Vrancea county
,, Aggregate repairs of pumping and electrical installations at the drainage pumping station SPR Nedeia from the arrangement of Bistret Nedeia Jiu, within the Territorial Branch of LI Danube Jiu ,, ctr. Nr. 17.03.022 / 29.03.2017
ANIF - Danube-Jiu Land Improvement Branch Str. Mihai Eminescu, no. 16, Simnicu de Sus, Dolj County
"Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements -7, LOT 1 -Minimum works for the commissioning of the stations for the irrigation campaign in the irrigation arrangements: BH Calmatui, Ialomita Calmatui and Ianca Surdila Greci under the administration of the Territorial Branch of LI Lower Danube UA Braila Sud ”ctr no. 17.05.051 / 17.05.2017
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Moldova Nord, Galati, Str. Science no. 97
"Repair works at the DN1000 discharge pipe at the SPE Valea Encii station from the Braila Terrace arrangement" ctr. 17.05.056 / 25.05.2017
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Lower Danube Str. Vapoarelor, nr. 13 Braila
Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements - 6, LOT 1 -Minimum works for the commissioning of the stations for the irrigation campaign in the irrigation arrangements: Big Island of Braila, Braila Terrace and Noianu Chiscani under the administration of the Territorial Branch of LI Lower Danube UA Braila Nord ctr. Nr. 17.05.060 / 25.05.2017
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Lower Danube Str. Vapoarelor, nr. 13 Braila
"Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements - 9 - LOT 3 -Minimum works for the commissioning of the stations for the irrigation campaign in the irrigation arrangements: Letea -UA Bacau, Bratesul de Sus - UA Galati Sud, Campia Covurlui - UA Galati Sud, Albita Falciu UA Vaslui, Manjesti UA Vaslui and Terasa Nicoresti - Tecuci UA Targu Bujor, under the administration of the Territorial Branch of LI Moldova Sud, ctr. Nr. 17.05.053 / 17.05.2017
ANIF - Branch of Land Improvements Moldova Nord, Galati, Str. Science no. 97
Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements - 18, LOT 3 - Minimum repair works at the drainage pumping stations SP4-1 and SP3-1 in the Campia Covurlui arrangement of the LI Territorial Branch Moldova Sud - UA Galati Sud ”CTR. 17.08.107 / 28.08.2017
National Agency for Land Improvement
Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements - 21, Works for restoring the evacuation capacity of SRPE Ghimia station in Campia Covrului arrangement within the Territorial Branch of LI Moldova Sud - UA Galati Sud CTR. 17.08.109 / 28.08.2017
National Agency for Land Improvement
Emergency remediation of the accidental damage on the discharge of the SPA station Ionasesti on CA Nord, within the Territorial Branch of LI Moldova Sud-UA Galati, CTR. 17.09.118 / 14.09.2017
National Agency for Land Improvement
Maintenance and repair works in the land improvement arrangements within the Territorial Branches of the National Agency for Land Improvements - 30 - Repair works of the hydromechanical installations DN 1000 valve for the Danube SPA suction pipes under the administration of the Territorial Branch of LI Moldova Sud UA Galați Ctr . 17.10.172 / 19.10.2017
National Agency for Land Improvement
ANIF34-LOT 1 - Restoration of the evacuation capacity of SRPE Ghimia station from the arrangement of Campia Covorlui within the Territorial Branch of LI Moldova Sud, execution of a plug on CCC and installation of a valve Dn 600, CTR. 17.11.189 / 08.11.2017
National Agency for Land Improvement
Modernization of the irrigation plot SPP 1, from Câmpia Covurlui Irrigation Development, Galaţi County, CTR. 280 / 16.11.2017
OUAI Danube
Modernization of the irrigation plot SPP 1C, from Câmpia Covurlui Irrigation Development, Galaţi County CTR. 281 / 16.11.2017
OUAI Danube
Minimum works for the commissioning of the irrigation stations in the Tecuci Nicoresti Terrace Development and the commissioning of the SPAs from Campia Covurlui within the Territorial Branch of LI Moldova Sud UA Galati
National Agency for Land Improvement
Modernization of the irrigation plot SPP 57, from Câmpia Covurlui Irrigation Development, Galaţi county ctr. 81 / 14.02.2018
OUAI Tudor Vladimirescu, Loc. Piscu, Jud. Galati
Modernization of the irrigation plot SPP 58, from Câmpia Covurlui Irrigation Development, Galaţi county ctr. 82 / 02.14.2018
OUAI Vladimiresti plot 58, Loc. Piscu, Jud. Galati
Nr. crt.
Name and object of the contract
Description of works
Name of the beneficiary
@ Project preparation and technical assistance.
@ Item 1 - Pumping station: * Construction and architecture: electric pump foundations; hydrophore and electrocompressor foundations; * Hydromechanical installations: 2 pcs. Horizontal electric pumps with flow Q = 0.150 m3 / s, H = 69 m; 1 pc. Electrocompressor Q = 700 l / min, Pn = 11 bar; 1 piece container for hydrophore 30 m3 Pn16 bar; Suction and discharge pipes, priming system, compressed air system, protection systems and measuring equipment.
@ Object 2 - Network of buried pipes on a total length of 8,410 m, as follows: * Secondary pipe CS2 - 702 m; * 4 antennas replaced L = 7708 m; * Replacement of hydromechanical installations (hydrants) - 101 pcs., related to modernized pipes on the irrigation network (antennas); * CS crossing with the CC2 drainage channel - 2 pcs; * Crossing antennas with drainage channels - 17 pcs .; * Hydrotechnical nodes - 5 pcs .;
O.U.A.I. Brio Company
Design services for the technical project phase (PT + DE), Technical documentation necessary in order to obtain approvals / agreements / authorizations, technical assistance from the designer during the execution of works, and execution of works for the implementation of the project„ MODERNIZATION OF THE IRRIGATION PLOT SPP1 FROM ISACCEA IRRIGATION ARRANGEMENT, TULCEA COUNTY
@ Project preparation and technical assistance.
@ Network of pipes buried over a total length of 8410m, as follows: * Main pipe CS L = 2,689 m; * 11 Antennas replaced L = 8,111 m; * Replacement of hydromechanical installations (hydrants) - 2 pcs. On CS + 118 hydrants on antennas, of which 40 with earthing; * Hydrotechnical nodes - 14 pcs. on CS + 21 pcs. on antennas;
@ Irrigation equipment: * 9 sprinkler irrigation systems with drum and hose (IATF), with hose length of 300 m, De = 110 mm, also equipped with flow meter for water metering; * 3 pcs extensions (trolleys) with jet distribution for the orchard.
O.U.A.I. Fruvinis
@ Project preparation and technical assistance.
@ Item 1 - Rehabilitation of the pumping station SPP1: * Landscaping works - Land clearing, Demolition of buildings; * Landscaping works for environmental protection and restoration - Initiation of slopes with grassy topsoil and protection with anti-erosion mattress, Arrangement of slopes with grassy topsoil, Arrangement of platforms with grassy topsoil.
* Construction and architecture: Station building, Flow meter chimney, Butterfly valve fireplace, SPP1 tank, Sieve washing basin, Transformer foundation, Access stairs, SPP 1 and post TRAFO fencing, Car and pedestrian access platform, Wall restoration.
* Hydromechanical equipment and installations: Dismantling of pipes, Replacement and installation of technological equipment, Replacement and installation of suction pipes (between AC and pump tank), Replacement and installation of pump discharge pipes, Replacement and installation of discharge manifold, Level relay, Installation for site guidance and lifting.
* Electrical and automation systems: Electrical cabinets, Power cables, Electrical measurement, control and automation system, Remote transmission system, Alternative energy system, Grounding and lightning protection system, Electrical socket installation, indoor and outdoor lighting.
* Power supply to the SPP pumping station 1
OUAI SPP1 Maiaprodsilva
Technical characteristics of SPR Nedeia station
- Supply voltage -6 kV
- Nominal pumping height -8mcA
- Aggregate type = 3 pcs. DV2-87 pumps with motors having a power of Pn 315 kw and 2 Worthington pumps with motors having a Pn = 300 kw;
- Aggregate flow -2.45 m3 / s per piece
- Station flow -12.25 m3/s (44,100.00 m3/h)
- Installed power 1545 kw;
- N = 489 rpm;
- Served area 4298 ha
Description of works:
- Pump unit repairs - 3 pieces
- Electrical installation repairs - 1 piece
Technological tests and commissioning
National Agency for Land Improvement
@ Project preparation and technical assistance.
@ Object 1 - Rehabilitation of the pumping station km165: * Installation of two pumping units with horizontal axis, with axial suction and radial discharge, with protected electric motor to be flooded with the following parameters: Qp = 600l / sec, Hp = 9, 0m, Pmax motor = 90kW, U = 0.4kV; * Revisions to the pumping units located on the floating body no. 1 which is kept in operation.
@ Object 2 - DN900 mm discharge pipe, as follows: * Replacement of the DN900 metal discharge pipe with the PAFSIN pipe with DN900 diameter on a length of 450 m - from the pumping station to DN Brăila - Galați; * Fittings and related metal fabrications on the new technological lines of suction and discharge; * Ultrasonic flow meters on the two DN900 discharge pipes; * Replacement of two metal discharge pipes DN900 - 65m, on the portion between the connection with the shore and the area where the discharge pipes are parallel to the access road to the pumping station; * Replacement of two metal discharge pipes DN900 - 35m, on the portion between the road dam and up to the discharge basin of the pumping station, including the discharge parts from the discharge basin.
@ Object 3 - Defense works inside the station: * Consolidation of slopes with gabions; * Defense works on the Danube access niche; * Reinforced stone platform and south shore defense from boulders to access niche; * Niche dredging works access from the Danube
@ Item 4 - Electrical connection and transformer stations: * Restoration of the fencing of the pumping station and the TRAFO station; * Realization of a reinforced concrete platform with STM mesh; * Rehabilitation of the electrical annex; * Electrical installations for power supply, actuation and protection, signaling and measurement for new pumping units with horizontal shaft; * Restoration of the lighting, lightning protection and earthing installation.
F.O.U.A.I. Vădeni