What are we doing

* Flanges according to SR ISO 7005 in the range DN 40 — DN 1000; PN 2.5 — PN 64;
* Steel mounting compensators in the range DN 40 — DN 1000; PN 2.5 — PN 64;
* Single or double branches equal or reduced, made of steel for welding in the range DN 40 — DN 2000;
* Single or double branches equal or reduced, made of steel for pipe networks type Azbo, PREMO, Bucov or PVC in the range DN 40 — DN 2000;
* Elbows and curves executed by mechano-welding processes in the range DN 40 — DN 1000; PN 2.5 — PN 64;
* Flange connection plug (Gibault) for Azbo type pipe networks, or PVC in the range DN 100 — DN 400;
* Metal fabrication for ecological thermal power plants with pellet power supply with capacities between 20 and 150 KW.

* Repair flanges for Azbo, PREMO or Bucov type pipe networks in the range DN 100 — DN 1000;
* Ventilation - deaeration devices for DN 80 and DN 150 pipelines;
* Symmetrical and asymmetrical reductions executed by steel mechano-welding processes in the range DN 40 — DN 2000;
* Sealing parts downstream and upstream to pipe networks in the range DN 100 — DN 1000;
* Valve operating rod in the range DN 100 — DN 1000;
* Elastic couplings (complete assembly);
* Shafts, axes and bushings of dLIferent sizes and shapes in the range of diameters 5-420 mm, respectively lengths up to 2000 mm made by cutting processes;
* Manholes of various shapes and sizes, winches, mechanical braking systems, drums for Shipyards;

* Pillars, beams, panels, stairs and access walkways, or any element that is part of the metal structures of the halls up to the weight of 5 tons that can be executed by mechano-welding processes (the assembly can have up to 20 tons);
* Furniture for bars, restaurants, various street furniture, for parks, including street garbage bins made of metal and wood;
* Lighting poles for parks, alleys and streets made of metal and wood;
* Any part according to the execution drawing in the range of diameters 5—1080 mm, respectively lengths up to 2000 mm that can be executed by cutting processes and / or mechano-welding processes;
* Any unit piece according to the execution drawing up to the weight of 5 tons that can be executed by mechano-welding processes (the assembly can have up to 20 tons);